
Limited Edition Notebooks

MOYUs designed for special occasions, specific people, and awareness campaigns.

  • Erasable notebook A5 Pollinators front cover
    New Arrival!
    The Pollinators

    Vibrant representation of the importance of sowing seeds and planting trees to save bees!

  • The-Offline-Club-A5-notebook-front-cover
    The Offline Club

    Take your journaling and brainstorming needs offline.

    Voir le produit
  • ugly-Christmas-sweater-notebook-A5-front-cover
    Ugly Christmas Sweater

    Inspired by Christmas sweaters we call ugly, but secretly love.

    €29,95 €25
    Voir le produit
  • Erasable notebook A5 Valentine's Day 2025 front cover
    Valentine's Day

    Le cadeau parfait pour ton amour fan de la planète.

    Voir le produit
  • moyu-limited-edition-A5-ambassardors-front-cover
    Stone Paper Warrior

    Exclusive gift for the most engaged ambassadors.

    Voir le produit

Take a look at our other collections

We harness the magic of stone paper to forge reusable notebooks that will last you through the ages. The ideal tool to stand up against paper waste & deforestation.

Cahiers Effaçables
Collection Back to Stone

Beaux motifs de pierre accompagnés par notre chiffon signature.

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Cahiers Effaçables
Collection Solid Elegance

Couleurs vives et élégantes sur des cahiers de papier-pierre effaçables.

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Cahiers Effaçables
Collection Nature on Rocks

Atmosphère jungle tropicale inspirée par la beauté de la nature.

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Cahiers Effaçables
Collection Vintage Designs

Nos premiers modèles, faits pour durer.

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